At MARTOR, we value giving our customers the most individualized experience in the industry; however, many of the same questions pop up during discussions. We’ve put together some of the most common questions we receive and answered them so that you feel confident about our knives, our service, and our mission.

Jacob Schultz - Safety Sales Consultant

What makes MARTOR’s knives different?

We strive to provide you with knives that are not only effective for your projects, but are safe, too. With various levels of knives available, both in ceramic and in steel, you’ll be able to see and feel the quality difference.

Jacob Schultz - Safety Sales Consultant

Lindsey Klug - Customer Engagement Specialist

Where are MARTOR’s knives from?

Our products are manufactured in Solingen, Germany. Solingen, known worldwide for its high-quality steel, is home to some of the finest craftsmen in the world. We are proud to call Solingen MARTOR’s home.

Lindsey Klug - Customer Engagement Specialist

Adam Zoern - Safety Sales Consultant

How long do MARTOR’s blades last?

The lifespan of each MARTOR product depends on what it is being used for, how it is being used, and its frequency of use. Abrasive materials, such as metal, dull blades quickly. Contact us to learn more about the best blade for your goals.

Adam Zoern - Safety Sales Consultant

Andrew Luebke - Safety Sales Consultant

Does MARTOR offer food-grade safety knives?

Yes! We offer a wide variety of food-grade safety knives, including disposable knives. Our food-grade knives are metal detectable and crafted with stainless steel. Additionally, our knives can easily break down for thorough cleanings and come with tool-free blade changes.

Andrew Luebke - Safety Sales Consultant

Safety Sales Consultant

Does MARTOR have auto retractable knives?

Yes! We offer several types of automatic retractable knives, including fully automatic retractable and semi-automatic retractable knives. The choice between these is a balance between safety considerations, the material being cut, and the speed of the job. For more information, please take a look at our knives in Level 3 and Level 4.

Kevin H - Safety Sales Consultant

Chrissy Gottfried - MARTOR USA Vice President

How long will it take to receive my MARTOR product?

Delivery times will vary from product to product, but in many instances, we can ship the same day as your order is placed.

Chrissy Gottfried - MARTOR USA Vice President

Paul DeTennis - MARTOR USA Director of Sales

Do I still need to wear gloves with a safety knife?

Wearing gloves is a personal decision, but it’s never a bad idea to equip yourself with PPE. If you were using gloves prior to making the switch to our knives, why trade the gloves for the knife when you can have both? Our knives themselves are PPE, but wearing gloves will help reduce your risk of injury.

Paul DeTennis - MARTOR USA Director of Sales

Paul DeTennis - MARTOR USA Director of Sales

Where is MARTOR’s “all-in-one” tool?

If a product has both an exposed blade and a concealed blade, we find that people will almost always default to the exposed blade. Rather than opting for an “all-in-one” tool, it’s better from a safety perspective to equip yourself with the right tool for the job.

Paul DeTennis - MARTOR USA Director of Sales

Tina Hartmann - Safety Sales Consultant


We have a team of highly experienced safety consultants ready to support your knife safety program from inspection to completion. We pride ourselves on taking the time to consult with you to learn about what you’re looking for and what best suits your needs. We offer live chat services, safety videos, onsite visits, and virtual consultations. We are your one-stop shop for safety knives and safety knife programs. At MARTOR, we value safety above all else. We are proud to create knives that are effective for projects of all kinds while providing the safest experience possible. If you would like to keep your industry safe, please speak with one of our experts to find the right knife for you.

Tina Hartmann - Safety Sales Consultant